探索美国文化 & 社会


Explore American life as a whole, rather than from the perspective of a single academic discipline.

American Studies offers a broad-ranging curriculum examining 历史 and culture, 社会, 国家认同, 社区 and ideologies that have shaped our great nation.

You take classes in a number of areas to build a complex understanding of America through in-depth examinations of the influences of the past and the contexts of the present.

Required courses include American 历史, literature, religion, 经济学 and 政府.

Additional courses are selected from a variety of subject areas, 包括社会学, 政治科学, 拉丁美洲研究, 非裔美国人研究, human and community services and mass communication.


Take the next step toward completing your Bachelor of Arts in American Studies 学位 at Lenoir-Rhyne University.


Take the next step toward completing your Bachelor of Arts in American Studies 学位 at Lenoir-Rhyne University.



American Studies offers a broad-ranging curriculum examining 历史 and culture, 社会, 国家认同, 社区, and ideologies that have shaped America. 学生 build a complex understanding of the influences of the past and the contexts of the present.

Required courses include American 历史, literature, religion, 经济学 and 政府. Additional courses are selected from a variety of subject areas, 包括社会学, 政治科学, 拉丁美洲研究, 非裔美国人研究, human and community services and mass communication.  这位美国研究专业的学生得了B.A. 学位.

学习内 & 课堂外

Future employers and post-graduate schools will look at your entire undergraduate work both inside and outside the classroom. Take full advantage of all opportunities that are available to you at LR, 包括研究, 出国留学, 实习, 学生社团和组织.

  • 为什么选美国研究专业?

    An American Studies 学位 allows you to expand your knowledge of literature, 经济学, 历史, 政治科学, 社会学, 神学, 哲学与美术.

    If you are interested in 历史 and enjoy thinking about the social and ideological aspects of American culture, this 学位 will allow you to understand how we fit into the global 社会.

  • 职业生涯 & 研究生院

    和其他文科学位一样, American Studies equips you with the critical thinking, writing and other skills necessary for many career paths as well as a well-rounded life.

    研究生s of American Studies programs go on to graduate programs or careers in a variety of fields, 包括法律, 社会工作, 公共历史, 政府, 全球赌博十大网站, 业务, 宣传, 博物馆工作, 专业写作与教学.

  • 课堂外

    We understand that education goes beyond our university campus. We offer many opportunities for you to expand your learning and get connected with peers.

    As a student you have an opportunity to complete an 实习, allowing you to apply what you’ve learned in class and gain real-world experience. We work in partnership with local companies and organizations to provide opportunities for you to learn and collaborate with professionals in the field.

    LR的 出国留学 programs in Latin American and our Washington Semester program are designed for students with interests in practically any academic area.

全球赌博十大网站 & 事件

Six members of the grant writing team for the Noyce scholarship program stand in the George Hall lobby

Awarded through the Robert Noyce Teacher 奖学金 Program, the funds will diversify STEM education by providing scholarships for Master of Arts in teaching students specializing in STEM subjects.

Three older students in conversation at Joe's Coffee

The honor roll recognizes colleges and universities around the world that are creating innovative and effective support strategies for transfer students.
